Hair loss affects over half of all males over the age of 40 today. As a result, hair transplantation is the most popular cosmetic procedure among men. Hair loss isn’t just a problem for males. Many women may experience hair thinning or loss. Hair transplantation can be conducted on men and women between the ages of 19 and 20, who have experienced hair loss difficulties for various reasons, do not have a physiological ailment that inhibits hair transplantation, and have enough follicles in the donor area.


Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?

When performed on the right candidate, hair transplantation produces excellent results. The following parameters must be met in order to do hair transplantation.


  • According to the Norwood-Hamilton Scale, hair loss level 2 or above. (A single or two-session hair transplant is planned, depending on the donor area’s capacity. However, Norwood 4 and above can yield excellent outcomes, especially when hair transplantation is done in two sessions.)
  • Although different formulae have been tried during hair loss with little success, the fact that the hair loss process has been completed or has come to an end.
  • Enough hair in the donor area to cover the areas that require transplantation. (Patients with a good donor area and a maximum of 1000 grafts are not suitable candidates. In unsuitable candidates, the grafts extracted from the body are not enough to cover the entire bald area. The most important donor area is the grafts used in the head area. It is impossible to find 5000 grafts from other parts of the body. We only use the head and under the chin as the donor area.)


What is the Importance of Age in Hair Transplantation?

When it comes to hair transplantation, the most significant issue to consider is whether or not the hair loss is complete. Hair loss in men is a lifelong condition, albeit the rate of shedding lowers after age 35. It should be noted that when the supplement is created in patients under these years, shedding may occur, and the patient may require a second or third session.


How Many Hairs Does a Person Have on Average?

Between 30,000 and 60,000 hairs can be found on a person’s head. The scalp of a newborn baby has 400 hairs per square centimeter. For a 25-year-old, this number drops to 200. Between the ages of 30 and 50, hair density ranges from 90 to 150 per square centimeter. Unless there is severe hair loss, its density gradually declines with age.


Who Should Not Have a Hair Transplant?

People with any systemic disease that is a contraindication to an operation conducted under local anesthesia should undergo hair transplantation once the disease has been treated. Patients with high expectations and limited donor areas should avoid hair transplantation. In individuals with active skin disease, it should also be done following active disease treatment. B12, B6, and zinc levels should be normal before the surgery, and any thyroid problems should be corrected. Blood sugar levels in diabetics should be within normal limits. Patients should be checked for psychological illnesses such as trichotillomania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and body dysmorphic syndrome.







Written by : Hair Transplant Turkey - Hair Upload Clinic